Colour Reduction

Tannin Filters | Colour Reduction

Tannin Filters - Colour Reduction
When Tannins are present, they will cause a yellow to dark tea color in water and an unpleasant taste and odor. This effect is caused by humic and fulvic organic acids formed during the decomposition of vegetation. Tannins occur in water in almost any location where large quantities of vegetation have decayed. The structure of tannins depends on the vegetation in the area and varies from location to location. Tannin molecules tend to form anions in water above pH 6 and can be treated with anion exchange resins. Below pH 5 tannins are better treated with activated carbon. 

JN Environmental offers a number of different Tannin Removal Filter Systems with Clack-WS1 control valves.

For More Info About Tannin Filters & Colour Reduction Contact Us Now

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